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The soil conditioner manufacturer tells you how to prevent fertilizer from interfering with each other
Release time:2023-07-12   browse :251

1、 Try to achieve balanced fertilization as much as possible

Applying excessive or biased application of elemental fertilizers to crops not only wastes fertilizers, increases production costs, but also easily leads to a lack of certain or other nutrients.

When fertilizing, it is necessary to ensure that the amount of fertilizer needed is equal to the amount of input, without compromising the balance of many nutrients, based on the different fertilizer structures of crops and the soil's fertilizer supply capacity. This way, peace can be achieved.

2、 In addition, it is necessary to increase and decrease the demand for various nutrients according to the proportional relationship between different crops

Compared to elemental fertilizers, the proportion of nutrient elements in compound fertilizers or compound fertilizers is relatively appropriate and coordinated.

Therefore, compound fertilizer should be used as the main fertilizer, supplemented by simple fertilizer. For example, for crops with large potassium demand such as vegetables harvested from tubers and tubers, Potassium sulfate simple fertilizer can be properly added as a supplement on the basis of sulfur based compound fertilizer.

3、 Staggered application period or application site

If zinc fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer are mixed, they will inevitably produce "mutual inhibition". Therefore, phosphorus fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer or base fertilizer, while zinc fertilizer should be used as topdressing. Large amounts of elemental fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium should be mainly applied in the rhizosphere, while micro fertilizers should be applied through foliar spraying.

4、 Reduce contact range

Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers can be applied by spraying; Phosphate fertilizer can be applied in a centralized manner; Micro fertilizers can be used by mixing seeds, soaking seeds, dipping roots, and other methods to limit trace elements to the small range of roots and minimize contact with large amounts of elements.